Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Minimal insert

Hey reader!

Sorry I haven't posted lately, the show has been kicking my butt! Two Gents closes out Thursday (hopefully), and I'll be able to sew at home, where there is no makeup to get on my almost finished WHITE corset. That's correct. White. Ugh.

Nevertheless. I'm nearly done with the corset. It's adorable! White duck cloth with an eyelet ribbon at the top and white linen homemade bias tape on the bottom. Only one layer thick, so that was kind of easy (and successfully ended with one side being longer than the other, so correcting that will have to wait for.. uh.. maybe never since it's not noticable... hmm), and I punched holes out for the grommets, then decided to go historical and sew reinforcing stitches around the punched holes. Let me just say I refuse to ever do that again for more than 10 holes. Yeah. WAY too many holes.

My Fair Judy

So the Uniquely You dressform I bought admitted upon purchase that it would be exaggurated... but I did not expect this! Nevertheless. The dressform comes with a zip up dress that you're supposed to alter to fit your figure. You can rip out any of the many seams to make it fit perfect. Now, I tried this bad boy on, and it fit pretty well, almost perfectly. Since I'm currently busy as a horde of bees, I figure I'll save adjusting her to when I have A: Time and B: someone to help me pin and measure the dress out. It's impossible to do alone and I don't have a seamstress handy to help!

Well, I'm off to bed, I'll post pictures of the pretty little garment soon enough!

Loves and hugs,

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