Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Crinoline. Grr.

Dear reader,

I HATE CRINOLINE!! *cough*. Sorry about that. It's just... after two days of punching my way through yards and yards of crinoline, I've had it up to here (points to ceiling).

Petticoat factory in a tiny bedroom

Let me just say that it is a trial in and of itself to make big costumes in a little bedroom. Add crinoline to the mix and you'll have an unhappy camper. Thus my face this afternoon as I waded from inside my 4 yard wide crinoline petticoat. Sure it'll be great when I'm done, but for the time being, it's a pain in my behind.

I'm making the yoke out of muslin, as I figure most people would rather have muslin around their hips than crinoline. The pattern I have is being cast aside because despite the fact that it says one size fits all? WAY too big to fit little Daphne. So I'm chopping it down and keeping the general shape. Once I sew the yoke together, I'll be able to attach it to the crinoline I gathered earlier and then I'll be able to judge how the ruffle action should be accomplished.

As per usual, pictures will be added at a later day.

Love and hugs!

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